viernes, 11 de marzo de 2022


                                                  THURSDAY, TRIP TO ARAIA AND DISCO!

Today we woke up at 8 o'clock, and we went to have breakfast. After that we did the dance like everyday and we went to the bus. We went to Araia to spend the morning, because it was raining we couldn't go to the mountain so instead we went to sports center and we played dodgeball and license plates. Then we came back to Barria around 12:30. When we came back we had a bit of free time and then had lunch. In the afternoon we did a lipdub which is like a music video where we film it all in one take. After the snack we played baseball. At night we had the disco and it was so much fun.

Gaur 8:30etan jaiki gara eta gero gosaldu dugu. Gero 10:00etan autobusa hartu dugu Araiara joateko. Gero denbora librea izan dugu, jolasten egon gara eta askaria jan dugu. Gero beisbolean jolastu dugu eta gaur gauean jai bat egingo dugu. Ondo pasatu dugu.

Nos desperamos a las 8:30, despues de vestirnos bajamos a desayunar media hora mas tarde. Pasamos la mañana en un pueblo llamado Araia, como no pudimos ir al monte porque estaba lloviendo fuimos al polideportivo de Araia y ahi hicimos varias actividades como balon quemado y matriculas. Cuando volvimos sobre las 12:30 tuvimos tiempo libre hasta la hora de comer. Por la tarde hicimos un video de musica. Despues de la merienda jugamos al beisbol. Por la noche hicimos discoteca y nos lo pasamos genial!

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